Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm sorry but the Hills is as fake as a $3 bill!?

A lot of Hills fans are in denial of this but it's very fake. Even more fake then most reality shows that just set up situtations. Lauren does NOT work for Teen Vogue and a lot of fans argue that they wouldn't risk their rep by saying she worked there if she didn't. Um sure they would it's called PUBLICITY! Teen Vogue's sales are really up since Lauren started "working" there. And Heidi and Spencer don't stay in the house they say they stay in. It's true because Heidi said so herself in In Touch she was quoted saying something about it's easier that way because they get maid service or whatever and even tabloids don't quote someone if they don't say it. They usually say something like sources say she said or something like that. It's kind of like WWE you know before they admitted to being fake but of course everyone suspected it was. I just hope the fans don't cry when they finally admit it's fake! And fans should get over it! Anyone agree?


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